ALL OF WHINE AND SPACE are thrilled to announce the start of our new mega project - THE DOCTOR WHO REWATCH PODCAST!
It's an idea we've been kicking around for a long time, something that has tempted us like an audio seductress...but we wanted to wait until the time was right and we were ready to shoulder this Goliath of a task! But the time is now, so from this Monday onwards we'll be releasing a (more or less) weekly podcast commentary looking back at every episode of Doctor Who from its 2005 revival onwards!

Why only post 2005? Well, frankly, it's because that's what we really know, what we're really connected to and what we've grown up with. We feel that if we're going to embark on a project of this magnitude we need to be honest about the limits of our Who knowledge - because God knows that'll be apparent soon enough! We're going to aim to keep episodes under an hour (if possible) and, as with all our commentaries, whilst they can be listened to along with the show, we're gonna try and make things a general discussion of the episode, so that folks can listen to the podcasts whilst stood by the side of a road/in an abandoned quarry/in the Peak District at night - or any locale of your choosing!
So, we hope you'll join us on this misguided journey through all of time and space and check back with us this Monday for our very first instalment, our commentary for the episode that re-started it all, the Russell T Davies penned 'Rose'!
You can follow the both of us on Twitter at
@ChrisSykes108 and
If needed the complete box set from Season 1-7 from amazon |
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