
Saturday, 29 April 2017

'Thin Ice'

TV’s Doctor Who and his increasingly well suited companion Ms. Potts are back again - and this time, they brought fish poo!

We sit down for a chat discussing the third episode of series ten, as Bill the companion takes her first trip back in time. Sit back and marvel as Moffat handles such hard hitting topics as the grim reality of slavery, coin-based trickery and whether putting fish poo into your car will save you petrol money (the answer is yes).

'Thin Ice' review

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!


Monday, 24 April 2017




'Smile' review

You can listen to our work on both iTunes, Stitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

A pillow!

Saturday, 15 April 2017

'The Pilot'

It’s time to get Billed!

After the longest of long breaks, TV’s Doctor Who is finally returning to our screens for a full series - and gosh golly does it feel good! Of course, this isn’t just any new series of TV’s Doctor Who. On the contrary, we’re seeing both fresh starts and inevitable conclusions, as in addition to introducing a brand new companion (in the shape of Pearl Mackie’s Bill Potts) we’re also beginning our long goodbyes to both Peter Capaldi’s wonderful Twelfth Doctor and Steven Moffat’s quality rollercoaster approach to showrunning.

But placing aside these departures, how do we feel about ‘The Pilot’ itself? Does it reintroduce us back in into the world of the Doctor successfully? Does it satisfy devotees as well as new arrivals? Most importantly, just how wild and untamed is Peter Capaldi’s hair?

Find out the answer to all these questions - as we review ‘The Pilot’!

'The Pilot' commentary

Listeners, please be aware that, due to equipment failure, the audio of the podcast becomes much quieter at the 57 minute mark. Our sincere apologies for any impact this has on your enjoyment.

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Friday, 14 April 2017

'The Unicorn and the Wasp'

Ted Bundy. OJ Simpson. John Wayne Gacy. What do they all have in common with us at the Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast? They all loved a murder mystery, of course!

But they’re not the only ones. No, there’s a little name called Christie that comes to mind also. Linford Christie? Chris Christie? No, you silly boob - AGATHA Christie, and this time, Agatha’s love for the genre is going to be tested to the absolute max as she joins TV’s Doctor Who (and the plucky girl who assists him) in decoding the truth behind a ludicrous (read: ludicrously exciting) mystery in which there are many twists and turns.

How many Felicity’s does it take to catch a murderer? When is a wasp also a man who is also a vicar?What is the worst period of history to be kidnapped by an insane computer? Find out the answers to ALL these questions and many, many more - in the NEW Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast!

'The Unicorn and the Wasp' commentary

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!