
Monday, 17 July 2017

'The Thirteenth Doctor'

It's that time again!

WHINE+SPACE are bringing you the hottest of hot takes as we sit down and become the FIRST people on the entire internet to react to the news of Jodie Whittaker being cast as the next incarnation of the Doctor or, as Peter Capaldi would have it - 'Doctor Who'.

Can a woman be entrusted with the controls of the Tardis? Can a woman be entrusted with becoming a doctor? Should women ever have been allowed the vote? Find out the answer to all these and many more questions within!

Saturday, 1 July 2017

'The Doctor Falls'

Wowsers, after an incredible first part in the shape of ‘World Enough and Time’, old Stevie Merkin’ Moffat’s back to tie up series 10 - but will the old scoundrel stick to his patented method of following an intriguing set-up with a misguided whimper of a conclusion?

Well, it turns out, pretty much no! Moffat presents us with a surprisingly straightforward story that gave all of its primary characters moments to shine. But how did we feel about the departure of Pearl Mackie’s Bill? Are we satisfied with the use of John Simm’s Master? And will Moffat’s use of the First Doctor be heartbreaking or horrid?

'The Doctor Falls' review

Sunday, 25 June 2017

'World Enough and Time'

Now that’s more like it! WHINE+SPACE return to discuss the penultime episode of Doctor Who series 10 and, reassuringly, it’s a bit of a blinder. Reuniting Rachael Talalay behind the camera and Steven ‘Merkin’ Moffat on the pen, we start to see the end game of Capaldi’s tenure fall into place.

How did The Master get from his showdown with the Time Lords to his persona of Mister Razor? Where do Missy’s true loyalties lie? Most importantly, how badly will Moffat mess up the story’s conclusion?


Saturday, 17 June 2017

'The Eaters of Light'

Well. We’re just a few episodes away from the end of Peter Capaldi’s run playing the character he likes to refer to as Doctor Who. But, arguably more importantly, we’re just as close to the end of the road for Steven Moffat’s mega-run as grand czar of everything Who-related. So, what type of story are we offered at this late stage of the game?

A pretty average, nondescript one, it would seem! So, join us as we try and discern if there’s an entertaining episode behind the bland competency on offer, whether #fluffwatch has finally reached PeakFluff - and how our view of the season has been coloured by the early leak of John Simm’s return.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

'Empress of Mars'

Ice to see you!

Yes, after what we can all agree was the middling to rubbish return of the (n)Ice Warriors in ‘Cold War’ Mark Gatiss is having another bite at the apple - and as you might expect, it has a historical bent. HOW did these Victorian soldiers end up on Mars? HOW will they get home? WILL we even be sure of the answer by the episode’s end?

Find out the answer to all these questions and many, many more - as we ride the Mars Express!

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Saturday, 3 June 2017

'The Lie of the Land'

The truth will set you free - or WILL it?

WHINE+SPACE are here to find out, as we tune into Capaldi FM for his regular evening broadcast celebrating our benevolent overlords The Monks, and their ability to deliver three-part storylines that pan out in a satisfying manner that justify their length. So, dear listener, join us as we pay our respects and give our thanks to The Monks - for they are kind, gentle, wise and not at all evil-looking.

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Saturday, 27 May 2017

The Pyramid at the End of the World'

It's the end of the world as we know it and we feel triangular!

Yes, Steven Moffat is taking us to the end of the world/universe/time once again - and this time it's to be indoctrinated into some kind of pyramid scheme. It seems like there's some great advantages, like being able to turn back time or repair injuries, but it does involve making a very hazy unspecified deal with some pretty shifty looking monks.

So, join WHINE+SPACE as we attempt to work out whether to get onboard with these monks, or whether to leave their offer in the dust!

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Saturday, 20 May 2017


WHINE+SPACE return to cast our semi-functioning eyes over the latest episode of TV’s Doctor Who! We’re reaching the mid-point of the series, so it would appear that Moffat may finally be pulling the trigger on launching the long game of how we’ll say goodbye to the Twelfth Doctor.

With the return of Missy, the pixelation of Nardole and the cock-blocking of Bill, there’s plenty to discuss - so let’s get to it!

'Extremis' review

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!


Sunday, 14 May 2017


WHINE+SPACE return with a look at this week's episode of Doctor Who - 'Oxygen'! Are we back on the same page after our BITTER disagreement over 'Knock Knock'? Does the Doctor enjoy manipulating corpses for amusement? Most importantly, is Nardole a bloody robot or what?

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Saturday, 6 May 2017

'Knock Knock'

Knock knock.

Who's there?


Another who?

Another delightful review of the NEW WHO from those charming 'All of Whine and Space' chaps!

Join us as we discuss episode 4 of series 10, as Bill makes some dubious housing choices, the Doctor proves that he's a hungry kind of jailer - and David Suchet admits that he's got wood.

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Knock Knock

Saturday, 29 April 2017

'Thin Ice'

TV’s Doctor Who and his increasingly well suited companion Ms. Potts are back again - and this time, they brought fish poo!

We sit down for a chat discussing the third episode of series ten, as Bill the companion takes her first trip back in time. Sit back and marvel as Moffat handles such hard hitting topics as the grim reality of slavery, coin-based trickery and whether putting fish poo into your car will save you petrol money (the answer is yes).

'Thin Ice' review

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!


Monday, 24 April 2017




'Smile' review

You can listen to our work on both iTunes, Stitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

A pillow!

Saturday, 15 April 2017

'The Pilot'

It’s time to get Billed!

After the longest of long breaks, TV’s Doctor Who is finally returning to our screens for a full series - and gosh golly does it feel good! Of course, this isn’t just any new series of TV’s Doctor Who. On the contrary, we’re seeing both fresh starts and inevitable conclusions, as in addition to introducing a brand new companion (in the shape of Pearl Mackie’s Bill Potts) we’re also beginning our long goodbyes to both Peter Capaldi’s wonderful Twelfth Doctor and Steven Moffat’s quality rollercoaster approach to showrunning.

But placing aside these departures, how do we feel about ‘The Pilot’ itself? Does it reintroduce us back in into the world of the Doctor successfully? Does it satisfy devotees as well as new arrivals? Most importantly, just how wild and untamed is Peter Capaldi’s hair?

Find out the answer to all these questions - as we review ‘The Pilot’!

'The Pilot' commentary

Listeners, please be aware that, due to equipment failure, the audio of the podcast becomes much quieter at the 57 minute mark. Our sincere apologies for any impact this has on your enjoyment.

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Friday, 14 April 2017

'The Unicorn and the Wasp'

Ted Bundy. OJ Simpson. John Wayne Gacy. What do they all have in common with us at the Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast? They all loved a murder mystery, of course!

But they’re not the only ones. No, there’s a little name called Christie that comes to mind also. Linford Christie? Chris Christie? No, you silly boob - AGATHA Christie, and this time, Agatha’s love for the genre is going to be tested to the absolute max as she joins TV’s Doctor Who (and the plucky girl who assists him) in decoding the truth behind a ludicrous (read: ludicrously exciting) mystery in which there are many twists and turns.

How many Felicity’s does it take to catch a murderer? When is a wasp also a man who is also a vicar?What is the worst period of history to be kidnapped by an insane computer? Find out the answers to ALL these questions and many, many more - in the NEW Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast!

'The Unicorn and the Wasp' commentary

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

'The Doctors Daughter'

Ah, adulthood sneaks up on us all, doesn’t it? Sometimes in subtle ways - you’ll find yourself using a phrase of your parents, or adopting one of their strange personality quirks. Sometimes it’s in more obvious ways, like when Chris from ‘Skins’ sticks your arm in a Clone-o-matic and before you know it, you’re dealing with some alarmingly attractive offspring cramping your style!

That’s the position Tennant finds himself in this week, as he joins the ranks of Big Boss and Chris from ‘Skins’ to fight some fish men for reasons - but he’s soon dealing with a bouncing bundle of joy in the form of Georgia Moffett’s Jenny. So, join us, as we attempt to navigate ourselves around the tricky territory of becoming a single Dad - but more importantly as we try and avoid making a series of super sexy, super meta incest jokes!


You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Copyright Donna Noble

Monday, 13 March 2017

'The Poison Sky'

Ah, it’s almost springtime, you can smell it in the air! Wait - that’s Sontaran special car clone nerve gas!

Yep, those crafty wee devils are back for a second crack at our vehicles in the concluding chapter of the podcast’s latest doublé. Last week, for ‘The Sontaran Stratagem’, we were pleasantly surprised by how much we enjoyed the first part of this story, our expectations not having been especially high after Season 3’s Dalek two-parter. Yet we ended up having a darn Russel T Dog-tastic time. So the question becomes, will we give such a warm reception to ‘The Poison Sky’? Will Helen Raynor carry it over the finish line? Will Tennant cluelessly fly off with Martha’s Ganger? Most importantly, will Wilf think to open his car windows?

Find out - in a brand new episode of The Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast!

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

'The Sontaran Strategem'

You know how it is. You're a wee fellow and so naturally have a bit of a napoleon complex. What do you do? Perhaps have some form of therapy, to help you try and deal with these troubling thoughts and feelings? Or instead, you could use your magic brain academy as a front for contacting similarly wee, but exponentially more hardy alien solider creatures who seem, like, proper dead keen on war.

So get ready to use your mind and your body, to become a master tactician, but also a fearless and determined warrior. Suit up - the Sontaran empire needs YOU!

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

'The Fires of Pompeii'

To think that you thought we'd never return!

Well, it turns out that you're a heckin' fool, as the Doctor Who Rewatch Podcast is BACK, and we're ready to tackle the second episode of New Who a mere three months after we recorded for "Partners in Crime'. Don't forget, in the context of all of time and space, three months really isn't that long at all...

So, what will the second episode of the series offer us? Naturally there's the impossible to ignore cameos from Kazza G and Petey Capaldo, but do 'The Fires of Pompeii' have more to give? There's only one way to find out and that's to climb into your Time Box, hit 2008 and wait for the magic to happen!

'The Fires of Pompeii' commentary

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!

Cook up!!

Monday, 30 January 2017

'Capaldi Leaves Doctor Who'

Capaldi leaves Doctor Who!

Just when you thought it was safe to go to bed, Peter Capaldi goes rogue on the radio and announces he’s leaving the role of Doctor Who, who he plays in the television show ‘Doctor Who’.

But, at ‘All of Whine and Space’, we don’t let things like it being a school night and already being in our PJs deter us from matters of worldwide importance - and frankly we can all agree that this is an issue of such gravity to the world as a whole that it supersedes anything else occurring in current affairs.

So, grab your electronic guitar, place your tasteful sunglasses on and ready your mucky jumper - it’s time for Moffat to take us around the world one last time!

You can listen to our work on both iTunesStitcher and Podcastland by searching 'All of Whine and Space'. If you would like to leave us a review (hopefully 5 stars) on iTunes or Stitcher, we would be truly grateful!